Top 20 blogging tips for beginners (that actually work)

Blogging tips for Beginners

Hey, bloggers welcome to our blog. Today I am going to share with you the top 20 blogging tips that will help you become a successful blogger.

This is going to be a long and detailed post on Blogging tips, so grab a warm cup of coffee and start reading…

So, why is this important? Well, did you know There are about 5 million blog posts published every single day.? Yep, that’s a lot of competition! But don’t worry, we’re here to help you stand out. So to Rank your blog in several keywords, you need a solid strategy. 

Think of your blog as your own special brand. It’s like your voice on the internet. We’re here to guide you on how to make it awesome.

When you’re new to blogging, it’s totally normal to make some mistakes. But guess what? We’ll tell you about those common slip-ups and how to avoid them.

Blogging might sound like just writing stuff, but it’s a bit more than that. We’re going to break it down into six key things you need to know:

  1. Writing Well: You’ll learn how to write great blog posts.
  2. SEO Magic: We’ll demystify SEO (search engine optimization) so your blog can be found by more people.
  3. Social Media Tricks: Discover how to use social media to get more readers.
  4. Spreading the Word: Find out how to promote your blog effectively.
  5. Marketing Mojo: Learn some smart marketing strategies.
  6. Making Money: Yep, you can even make money from your blog! We’ll show you how.

And guess what? Blogging isn’t just a hobby. You can make your living by working as a full-time blogger and there are lots of ways in which you can earn money. 

So, grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s dive into these super useful blogging tips for beginners. We’re here to help you kickstart your journey to blogging success. Let’s get started!

1. Build a Strong Blogging Foundation  

To become a successful blogger, you need to work on learning the basics of blogging. Don’t rush for traffic. 

When you’re starting as a blogger, it’s tempting to aim for lots of readers right away. But hold on, because here’s a crucial tip: before you chase traffic, you need to build a strong foundation for your blog. Think of it like this: you wouldn’t build a house on shaky ground, right?

So, for the first six months of your blogging journey, focus on learning some important things. These include:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This sounds fancy, but it’s all about making your blog easy to find on Google. Learn how to use the right keywords and tags.

2. Good Writing Skills: Practice makes perfect! Work on writing engaging and helpful blog posts. Your writing is what keeps people coming back.

3. Social Media Marketing: Social media is like your blog’s megaphone. Figure out how to use it to reach more people.

4. Affiliate Marketing: This is about making some money by recommending products you love. Learn how it works.

The idea is to become a pro at these skills. Why? Because it’ll pay off big time later. You’ll attract more readers and keep them coming back for more.

Remember, in the beginning, it’s not all about making money. It’s about giving something valuable to your readers. Once you’ve got that solid foundation, you can start exploring ways to earn money from your blog. So, focus on learning and growing first, and the traffic and rewards will follow.

If you want to start your blogging as a beginner then you can check the below article.

How to start a blog on the Blogger platform for free in just 5 minutes.

2. Be Honest  

Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

1. Deliver Real Value: Think of your blog as a gift to your readers. Share valuable information, insights, and experiences. When you do this honestly, you’re not just blogging; you’re making a positive impact.

2. Authenticity Matters: Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself. Share your real thoughts and experiences. Authenticity is like a magnet; it attracts like-minded readers who appreciate your genuineness.

3. Earn Trust and Loyalty: Honesty builds trust. When your readers trust you, they’ll keep coming back for more. They’ll see you as a reliable source of information or entertainment.

4. Social Sharing: When your content is authentic and genuine, people are more likely to share it on social media. It’s like a ripple effect โ€“ your honesty spreads and brings in new readers.

So, remember, honesty isn’t just a good virtue in life; it’s a superpower in blogging too. Being truthful will not only make your blog more interesting but also help it grow. Your readers will appreciate your authentic voice, and that’s the secret to building a loyal and engaged audience.

3. Post content regularly  

Always try to post your content regularly and maintain your frequency. 

Post content regularly, top 20 blogging tips

The more you write, the better writer you will become. so try to divide your blog post into different segments and complete those in 2 to 3 days. In this way, you will maintain your frequency.

Google loves fresh content, so it is better to update your content regularly.

4. Build your website on a targeted topic.  

When we start a blog, we make some common mistakes by covering a wide range of topics. Instead of doing that you should focus on a single topic that will help you get a targeted subscriber. 

It will also better define your blog by the search engines and you will get more page views and your bounce rate will decrease.

5. Don’t copy others’ content  

Always try to write your own unique piece of content and avoid copying others. 

Google also doesn’t promote duplicate content. You can copy any other’s ideas and re-write them in your own way. It will help you to be unique and your blog post will rank higher in the search results. To ensure the originality and integrity of your content, consider using a reliable plagiarism checker. Because our ultimate goal should be to gain more organic traffic.

So, Don’t repeat the same mistakes that new bloggers do, and start building your blog with fresh and unique content. 

6. Avoid grammatical mistakes  

Grammatical mistakes will create a bad impression on the readers and it is bad for your on-page SEO. 

Google considers content readability and grammar as a factor for higher search ranking.

If you are not an expert in English then you can take the help of Grammarly which is a free tool to use. You can install Grammarly keyboard on your smartphone or Chrome extension on your computer.

7. Keep your website design simple

Website design really matters as it is what hooks your readers for a longer time on your site. Website design is important from an SEO perspective. Google bot checks your website structure and markup data and ranks your site according to that.

Keep your website design simple

Keep the fonts of your website easy to read and clean. Create the same pattern of feature images and make it easy for readers to navigate the different sections of your site easily.

Make sure to check your website’s loading speed across different platforms like desktop, mobile, tablets, and different browsers. Fast loading is another SEO factor for better ranking in search engines.

You can easily improve your website loading speed by implementing the Lazy load as it prioritizes the resources and loads the essential content first.

You can also check your website speed in the Google page speed insight and improve it by applying the suggestions from it.

8. Mobile friendly

Website design is very important in SEO [search engine optimization]. Always make your blog mobile-friendly as most of the users on the internet use mobile devices to read blogs and articles.

Google always prefers mobile-optimized pages for better ranking in the search results.

๐Ÿ‘‰Here are the top 10 premium mobile-friendly templates for Blogger

9. Create some internal and external linking.

If you want to decrease your bounce rate and give your readers some valuable references, you should link out to other posts on your site and you can also link out to other website’s articles.

Don’t be scared to link out to other websites as it will increase the trust factor of your post and in addition to that, it will help in SEO.

Make sure to give external links that open in a new tab as it will not increase your bounce rate.

10. Build a perfect strategy

“A vision without a strategy remains an illusion” – Lee Bolman

If you want to achieve long-term success in your blogging career then you should prepare a good strategy and stick to it.

For example, you want to write a blog post about any topic, create a checklist of the step-by-step process of doing keyword research, create a proper heading and key points, create some feature image, and so on, and then follow it every time you publish new content.

Read Also: 12 Proven tips to format your Blog post smartly.ย 

This will help you minimize your mistakes and your efficiency will increase gradually.

Here are a few things you can include in your strategy.

  1. List of topics for your upcoming posts
  2. Create a content calendar like the Number of articles you will post in the upcoming months
  3. List of social media platforms like Quora, Twitter, Facebook, Medium, etc. which you are using to promote your content.
  4. List of the Email address for Email marketing
  5. Plan your content for social media
  6. Create a list of sites for guest posting

11. Create your own blogging community

You have to create your blogging community by providing valuable content regularly. 

when someone visits your site, he should feel like your website is a community and become a part of it.

you can ask your reader to subscribe to your newsletter or join your telegram group for extra benefits. In this way, you will get recurring traffic for your blog and build good trust among them.

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12. Always reply to comments

You can interact with your readers by replying to their content. Taking queries and feedback from readers will help you improve your overall blogging experience.

Readers will also take an interest and it will send good signals to the search engine. Most of the readers love it when their comment is replied and they will come back again to your site.

Always reply to comments

13. Take advantage of social media  

As a beginner, you will not get much traffic from search engines. You have to target social media platforms for traffic on your site.

Many bloggers make the same mistake by posting the link on different social media and doing nothing. You have to target two to three social media platforms and build an audience by making good valuable content.

I prefer 3 social media platforms for getting traffic that is YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also share your post on Pinterest as it will generate more organic traffic for your site.

Also, social media traffic helps in improving your website ranking. It will give you an initial boost to your site.

14. Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to get recurring traffic from your existing subscriber base.

You can encourage your readers to subscribe to your weekly newsletter for more valuable content like an exclusive e-book, coupon code, and other promotional offers. 

You can use several free Email marketing tools for this. I prefer Mailerlite for my email marketing where you get an auto broadcast, custom email, and more.

15. Ask the reader for their feedback

Always ask your reader to give their feedback in the comment section. It will build conversations and more interaction. You can also take feedback about your post or website on social media. You can also use the poll feature of Telegram and Twitter to take feedback.

Try to reply to all the comments you get and keep the conversation going. It will also send a good SEO signal to the search engine.

16. Use an effective title

The title of your article plays an important role in your SEO performance. So, make your article both Reader and SEO-friendly and place your important keyword in it.

Keep your title short and sweet and according to Google, it should not be more than 70 characters. So that it will display correctly in the search results and encourage your reader to click on it.

Here is an example given below.

“How to speak in public…Even if you hate public speaking.”

17. Choose the right topic

Finding the right keyword and topic for your blog is important. The right topic depends on what your target audience is looking for.

Keyword research is essential for writing an SEO-friendly blog. Blogging is not about educating others, it is also about learning new things.

Keyword Research is the technique of finding the words or phrases that people generally search in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

You can use tools like Ubersuggest, ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush,ย keyword everywhere, etc. for your keyword research.

18. Use the Guest posting

Use Guest posting

Guest posting is a good strategy to get Backlink from other sites. Backlink helps you increase your Site authority and you will get a good amount of referral traffic. It also helps you build your brand in that industry.

Make sure to write at least one guest post for other blogs in a week. High-quality backlinks send good signals to search engines and you will get the benefit over a long period of time.

๐Ÿ’ฌ If you want to Guest Blogging on our site then you can check the guest post Guidelines here.ย 

19. Review

Always review your blog post before posting. It will help you understand if the writing is reader-friendly and identify the common mistakes. 

It is better to review your post with two to three friends and take their feedback.

You can also review your post by yourself but make sure to take some gaps after writing the content. If you review it with a fresh mind the probability of finding an error will increase.

20. Update older content

As you progress in your blogging career your writing skills and thought process will improve. You will find out more about your industry and learn new things.

You can optimize your older content by adding more valuable information to it. It will give you SEO benefits and help increase your website authority. 

Everyone is fighting to get their article ranked in the top spot so Google will give priority to fresh content and lower the ranking of outdated content.

Just go to your Analytics dashboard and point out the pages that are in a decreasing trend in traffic. This is happening because some parts of your content like stats, process, screenshot, year in the title, and internal and external links are outdated. 

So, always keep your content fresh and updated. In some cases, you need to do a full rewrite of the older article. It helps you boost traffic on an older piece of content.

Final thought

Blogging is all about hard work and consistent effort will give you success. 

All the successful bloggers have gone through the ups and downs and faced the challenge patiently.

All you have to follow the above blogging tips for beginners and apply them to your blog.

If you have any questions let me know in the comment section.

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