What is Google search console insight; complete analysis.

what is Google search console insight

An easier way to understand how your content resonates with readers

Search console insights is a new feature by Google for content creators and publishers. It will help them understand how the audience discovers their site’s content. it also tells them about audience behavior and intention on the quality of your content.

It will show the number of clicks and impression come in your content right within the search result. It will maintain greater transparency and help creator understand their strength and weakness.

It is currently in beta version and available to limited users only. Google sends an email to users with a link to join the Search console insight beta testing.

It will open for more users by allowing the beta group users to add more sites over time. If you are eligible for this then you will get an email from the search console team soon.

It uses data from both the Search Console and Google Analytics.

How can Search Console Insights help you?

It can help you (creator/publisher) answer questions about your siteโ€™s content, such as:

  • what are your best performing contents?
  • How are your new content performing in search results?
  • In which method people use to reach your website or content?
  • What other sites and articles link to your siteโ€™s content and did you get any new links?
  • what are the top queries search about your content in the search engine?

How can you access Search Console Insights?

If you are already a search console beta user then you have 3 options to access it.

  • The link provided in the email which was sent to you by the search console team.
  • Search for search console insight in Google and you will get this page on the search result.
  • You can also access it from the ‘Search Console in search results’ feature. If you search on Google for a query that your beta listed site ranks for, you should then see a Google powered result titled ‘Search performance for this query’ at the top which is shown in the below screenshot. Here you will see a clickable link that will redirect you to the search console insights page.
Google search console insight

If you have any suggestions about the improvement in the new search console insights feature then you can share your feedback from the bottom of the page. 


It will definitely help the content creator understand their audience in a better and easier way. what is your favorite search console feature let me know in the comment section.

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