How to Add Pinterest Save (Pin) Button on Blogger post

How to add pinterest save button on blogger/blogspot post

 Adding a Pinterest pin or save button is a key strategy to Get more social shares and eventually give you more organic traffic.

Here I will share with you some easy steps to add a Pinterest save button on your blogger blog by placing a single line of code in the HTML section. 

Before going there let’s learn why it is important to add the Pinterest pin button.

Image is the most attractive way to drive visitors to visit the post and Pinterest is the right place to share your images. 

It gives you more organic traffic to your site. when someone saves the images of your site on Pinterest it may appear on the timeline and when someone sees you post images (attached with post URL) on Pinterest and click on the image will redirect to your post URL.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Pinterest:

  • There Are Over 200 Billion Pins on Pinterest.
  • 83% of Users Make a Purchase After Seeing a Brand’s Content on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest Is the Third Biggest Social Network in the U.S
  • 85% of Pinners Use the Platform on Their Phones
  • 2:3 Aspect Ratio Works Best for Pins 

How to Add Pin/Save Button in Blogger:

There are two ways to add a pin/save button on the blogger.

  • Install pin/save Button 
  • Customize pin/save Button on the Pinterest widget builder

Install pin/save Button:

If you want a simple and straightforward way to add the pin button then follow the below steps.

1.Go to Blogger Dashboard > Theme > Three verticle dots on right side › Edit HTML

blogger dash board

2. Paste the below script just above </body> tag

How to add pinterest save button on blogger/blogspot post
<script async defer data-pin-hover="true" data-pin-tall="true" src="//"></script>

3. Then save the code and you are done.

Now a Pinterest save button will appear on the images of your blog post when someone hovers the mouse pointer over it.

Check the video tutorials for this.👇

Customize pin/save Button on the Pinterest widget builder

You can customize the Pinterest save button by using the Pinterest widget builder.

Here you will see many tools to generate custom ‘Save Button’, ‘Follow Button’, ‘Pin Button’, ‘Profile Widget’. For now, choose ‘Save Button’ from the tab and customize it from the given options.

How to add pinterest save button on blogger/blogspot post

You can select multiple options according to your choices like One image, Any image, and Image hover(recommended). 

If you want a large save button then select the large option. After completing the steps copy the javascript code and paste it above </body> tag.

If You don’t want the customization yourself then you can copy any of the code below and apply it to your blogger blog.

Round Pin Button:

<script async defer data-pin-hover="true" data-pin-tall="true" data-pin-round="true" data-pin-save="false" src="//"></script>

Large Save Button:

<script async defer data-pin-hover="true" data-pin-tall="true" data-pin-save="true" src="//"></script> 

Just follow any one of the above steps and your Pinterest save button is ready to work on your blogger site. It will give your blog an added advantage and you will get more traffic.

If you want more interesting blogging tips do subscribe to our YouTube channel and Join Our Telegram Group for discussion and updates. 

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  1. yes, Pinterest has a good source where you can get traffic and bounce rate is low as compare to other traffic sources.. So, always encourage your reader to share your content on Pinterest.