How to fix Google drive download errors ( quota exceeded).

Bypass google drive

Do you face google drive download errors as the maximum quota reached?  You may see a notice like this “Sorry you can’t view or download this file at this time.”

So in this blog, we will discuss how to bypass the Google Drive download limit for shared files.

Google Drive is one of the best cloud storage now. You can back-up your data like image, video, office files, and others.

Google lets you store data up to 15 GB where you can share your file link with your friends, families, and your clients.

Many of you use Google drive because of security and reliability but may have face problems in downloading the file such as the “download quota exceeded” or “sorry you can’t view or download at this time”.

What is the Google Drive download limit?

When a large number of people come to download from a single link then the file will be blocked for 24 hours. This time may differ according to the amount of traffic on that link.

In some cases, it takes days or weeks. This limitation by Google is to stop abuse or misuse of its platform. But you can bypass Google drive download errors by following some tricks without any policy violations.

Bypass/ fix Google Drive download error (quota exceeded)

To bypass Google Drive 24 hours download limit follow these steps

Create a new tab in your browser and log in to your google drive account.

The file you want to download, in the address bar, locate the word uc? and replace it with open? Or click on the drive+ icon beside the download icon. You will see add to my drive option.

Drive download limit fixed

Then log in to your drive account and click on shared with me option and locate the file. Right-click on the file and make a copy.

Bypass drive download limit

So, here the copy file created successfully in your google drive, now click on Show file location to download it.

While you get there and you find the copy one then right-click on the file and click on the Download option.

After that, it will ask you to confirm the downloading file, So, click on Download anyway option from the pop-up menu. Then you will see the download information, So here click on Start download.


The new copy of that file is now private. You are the owner of that file and you can download the file in your local system.

It is important to keep in mind that by the time you are the owner of the file, you will be responsible for policy violations or other issues related to the file, be careful.

Since you are the owner of the file you can download it as many times as you can. I hope your problem is solved now.

Share these amazing tricks with your friends.

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