How To Fix “Avoid Chaining Critical Requests” On blogger website

Now, blog loading speed is an official ranking factor in Google, and fixing the technical problems in Blogger is a little tricky.
So, in this article, I tell you how you can fix the “avoid chaining critical request” error in Lighthouse for your blogger website.
Before that let’s understand how this error occurs on the website and what are the different ways you solve this problem.
What is critical request chaining?
Critical requests are those network request that is important for page rendering and showing the above the fold content. It consists of web fonts, widgets, Images (in the viewport), and JavaScript used in the top portion of a website.
When we type our website URL in the page speed insight tool, it uses network priority as a proxy for identifying render-blocking critical resources.

Generally heavy images and web fonts used in the website block the critical request to render and show the results. That’s why sometimes you got render-blocking resources error in page speed insight.
Fix “Avoid Chaining Critical Requests” On Blogger
You can easily fix this critical request chaining by implementing a rel=’preload’ attribute in the fonts which are coming in the format woff2.
Just Copy the below code and replace it with your own font URL and paste it just below the <head> tag of your theme.
<link as='font' crossorigin='' href='' rel='preload' type='font/woff2'/>
You can convert multiple font url in the same format and paste just below the <head> tag.
But before proceeding further and changing anything on your theme, it is recommended to take a backup of your theme. So, that if anything goes wrong you can restore it quickly with the backup file.
Check the video tutorial for detailed steps. 👇
You can also implement DNS prefetch in your Blogger theme to prioritize important resources and improve the page speed of your Blogger website.
If your theme has a built-in DNS prefetch option then you can skip this second step.
You can easily implement DNS prefetch just by pasting the code below the head tag. I have coved all about DNS prefetch and how to implement this on blogger here.
Recommended steps to reduce critical request chaining.
- Preload your web fonts used on your website
- Implement DNS prefetch
- Reduce the number of javascript or defer it
- Use properly optimized image at the top
- Try to avoid heavy widgets in the above section of the webpage.
I hope this tutorial will help you fix the avoid chaining critical request error of your Blogger website.
I have shown you the first two ways to fix this problem. If you have any other doubts regarding page speed in Blogger ask me in the comment section.
I recommend you, follow the steps given in the below article to speed up your website.
Good Job, keep it up
You are welcome 😲
I think this theme is not good
Freebify is good for your site
Why any specific reason or just design